Thank you Erica for taking the time to do this interview with NVRI. Kindly introduce yourself to our audience:
Thank you so much, NVRI, for taking an interest in myself and other indie filmmakers like me. My name is Erica Summers. I am the writer, director, producer, and DP for several independent horror feature films including Rag Doll (available on Amazon on DVD), LOVERBOY (soon to be re-released on DVD/Bluray),M ister White (available on Amazon Prime and most streaming services), and my newest bodyhorror/creature feature: Obsidian (Available on most streaming services and also will soon be available on DVD and Bluray.) I now reside in Connecticut (USA) and am also a published author with a horror novel, MANTIS (available on Amazon) and several published short stories in anthologies including my most recent story, “The Mother” in the upcoming Their Ghoulish Reputation Anthology that releases this fall.
2.Tell us about your most recent project Obsidian, what is the premise of the film and what do you hope that the audience learns?
Obsidian is about a group of paid subjects who are Phase I clinical trial test patients sampling the human efficacy of a new tissue-regeneration drug nicknamed Obsidian (for the pills glassy black appearance). The drug will allegedly repair any open wound on one’s body, theoretically making scars and deformities and even certain debilitating injuries a thing of the past. The drug, however, has monstrous consequences and all hell ends up breaking loose for these poor folks.
As for the message of the film, it was intended to be a message on beauty and self love. I see so many men and women who concentrate on the flaws of their bodies, losing perspective of people who have far worse situations. I’ve known people who have suffered true depression over their looks, bouts of sadness, or used flaws to put people down (as I’m sure we’ve all witnessed at some point in our lives or schooling) .
This movie is intended to be a bit of an uplifting message (in its own strange way) that we need to remember to love our bodies for what they are and celebrate our scars and things that make us unique, both outside and in.
3.What are some of the perks of having your own production while creating Obsidian?
Once I got the film back from being tied up in producer/contract limbo, I felt total freedom to do what I want with the film. The only constraints were budget (as always with an indie film) schedules, and cast availability. But I was able to scout some incredibly talented actors (like Henry, Hick, and Frank, our three leading and supporting actresses) and Henry was able to actually help me find our leading lady, Olivia Peck, who is truly an amazing actress. I also formed a wonderful bond with the Shiadaee family who ended up providing us with some of the really amazing locations you see in the film and our child actress as well. The entire cast formed an incredible bond and we continue to support each other even two years after we wrapped. Its so wonderful to see. We even still have a group chat on social media where we share news and newest endeavors.
4.What is the most difficult thing about having your own production while filming Obsidian?
Obsidian was unfortunately difficult from start to finish and almost didn’t get completed for several different reasons. At first we had producers signed on that eventually left the company (but not before holding the film in limbo and at one point tried to fire me from my own film after over 100 draft changes for them for supposedly “not playing ball.” One of the producers even said that women don’t belong in film and that I should get back in the kitchen where I belong.) We also had lots of little hiccups. At one point, during principal photography, our main full-body monster suit was either lost or stolen (we never found out which despite offering cash rewards) and one of our media cards went missing with a full day of footage from our out of state actor which was devastating for both him and I because due to COVID hitting full-swing by the time I discovered the footage was missing, we weren’t able to get him to fly back for re-shoots so I had to get creative with some (really fun and energetic) local body doubles.
5.You cast a great group of talented actors, how was it working with them?
Honestly, the main actors were a director’s dream. Henry, Olivia, Frank, Hick, Evan, and David were such professionals. They studied their lines like crazy and I was constantly making them switch gears on a dime. I can’t tell you how many times I told Hick “I know I said we are doing dramatic scene #__ next, but your scene partner needs more time in makeup so we are going to do comedic scene #___ instead and right after, we will go back to that one. Which was constantly testing his abilities and memorization and ability to switch modes rapidly. They all rose to the challenge and accepted it with open arms and really incredible attitudes. I remember one day Frank came in to shoot like 80% of his scenes (all very dialogue intense for only him because he has a lot of big dialogue blocks and monologues in the movie) and he had just gotten a steroid shot and was razzing Hick constantly. They had this absolutely hilarious banter going that was making morale so wonderful. Everyone was laughing all day. We started calling him Steroid Frank. Henry and Olivia couldn’t have been more fun or professional if they tried. They were both ZERO drama in pre-production, production, and post. They practiced lines, got along so well with everyone, had incredible chemistry on camera, and became friends in real life through the course of the film. And Henry later brought in his (incredible, I love her) girlfriend Mary to help with the film and she became such a wonderful addition behind the scenes as well.
6.Who inspired you the most in the film industry and why?
I have a lot of inspirations constantly but starting out, I’d say there were two names that come to mind: David Lynch because I love that he just grabs a camera and does things his own weird way, whether it makes sense or whether anyone likes it. Film-making wise, to me, that is so ballsy and I am still inspired by that way of life to this day. Second would be David Cronenberg. I love his unique strangeness and also his ability to imply “this is the film I want to make. This is why I want to make it. I realize it won’t be love by everybody but this is what I feel inspired by.”
7.If you could put one major celebrity in one of your films, who would it be and what would the film be about?
Lance Henrickson or Brad Dourif. Hands down. I’ve met them both (I actually worked on a film with Brad a few years ago where I was a grip in a movie he was in and recently caught u with him again this year at Texas Frightmare) I’m not sure exactly what the plot would be but for either actor, it would be a bizarre and bloody horror film. Lance Henrickson is both a brilliant actor and a hilarious, eccentric person and I think it would be such an honor to work with them. The original producer for Obsidian had supposedly approached both of their agents about playing Franks role in the film if we could secure the proper financing and I was told they were both interested. C’est la vie!
8.What are some of the things you enjoy doing when you are not filmmaking?
I write a lot. Scripts and short stories. I’m a HUGE gardener. Most people that know me know I love playing in the dirt in the garden whenever I’m not working. I also love to fish and read and watch movies (either horror, drama, or really over-the-top-dumb comedies) and my boyfriend’s been teaching me to surf which has been amazing. I’m still terrible but its something I really enjoy!
9.What is next for Erica, do you have any projects in development?
Right now, covid complicates everything and life has been a bit wild. I just moved across the country from Louisiana to Connecticut and I’m waiting for Covid to really become a non-issue before filming again because indie filmmaking is hard enough. But I’m excited to, at some point film a feature up here in New England (horror, of course) with my boyfriend, Dave Sikora, who is an incredible Cinematographer. I’ve got two scripts in the works. But in the meantime I’ve been writing like crazy and submitting to a bunch of anthologies and have gotten word that I’m going to be published. The next short story of mine that will be published is my story “The Mother” in an anthology called Their Ghoulish Reputation.
10. How can your fans get updates about you and your films? Your website or social media links ?
Keep an eye out for all Keeka Productions films as there will most certainly be more to come. Folks can always find Obsidian updates on facebook at or at
Mantis is available on Amazon at the following link:
Their Ghoulish Reputation Pre-order:
All available streaming platforms and view trailer here
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