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Linda Joy Myers: A Masterful Storyteller and Historian

Linda Joy Myers is a remarkable author whose profound understanding of the power of the past has shaped her writing and therapeutic work. Through her personal experiences, extensive research, and passion for history, Myers has created a unique literary voice that resonates with readers on a deep emotional level. Her dedication to exploring intergenerational trauma and untold stories has not only resulted in transformative memoirs but has also led her to craft an exceptional novel titled "The Forger of Marseille." Let us delve into the extraordinary literary world of Linda Joy Myers and discover the captivating essence of her work.

The Power of Memoir and Healing:

As the founder of the National Association of Memoir Writers, Linda Joy Myers has become a guiding light for aspiring memoirists. Her books, "The Power of Memoir" and "Journey of Memoir," serve as invaluable resources, providing writers with the tools they need to navigate their own healing journeys through storytelling. By tapping into her own experiences and sharing her wisdom, Myers empowers individuals to explore the depths of their emotions and craft narratives that illuminate their personal growth.

Award-Winning Memoirs:

Myers' talent for memoir writing shines through in her own works, which have garnered recognition and accolades. "Don't Call Me Mother" and "Song of the Plains," two of her memoirs, have received esteemed awards such as the Bay Area Publishing Association Gold Medal and the 2018 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Through these powerful narratives, Myers delves into the complexities of her own life, revealing the impact of intergenerational trauma and the triumph of self-discovery.

The Forger of Marseille: Unveiling Untold Stories:

In her latest novel, "The Forger of Marseille," Linda Joy Myers embarks on a riveting exploration of the lesser-known history of Vichy France during World War II. Inspired by Varian Fry's memoir, "Surrender on Demand," and Donald Caskie's "The Tartan Pimpernel," Myers illuminates the courageous efforts of anonymous individuals who risked their lives to save thousands of refugees, British soldiers, and others amidst the chaotic outbreak of war in France.

By delving into the hidden narratives of the past, Myers sheds light on the layers of truth often overlooked in conventional historical accounts. Through meticulous research and a profound understanding of the human spirit, she weaves a captivating tapestry of bravery, resilience, and the enduring power of hope. "The Forger of Marseille" stands as a testament to Myers' dedication to historical accuracy and her ability to transport readers into the tumultuous era of World War II.

Linda Joy Myers: A Multifaceted Inspiration:

Beyond her literary accomplishments, Linda Joy Myers leads a vibrant life filled with diverse interests. A passionate traveler, she seeks inspiration from different cultures and histories, fueling her creative spirit. Her love for nature is evident in her flourishing garden and her dedication to tending 30 rose bushes. Even in the midst of her writing and editing endeavors, Myers finds solace and companionship from her two feline friends, Harvey and Charlie.

Linda Joy Myers' indomitable spirit and profound storytelling ability have solidified her place as a remarkable author and historian. Through her memoirs, she has touched the lives of countless individuals, guiding them toward personal healing and empowerment. With "The Forger of Marseille," she masterfully uncovers the hidden stories of World War II, honoring the bravery of unknown heroes and reminding us of the resilience of the human spirit.

As Linda Joy Myers continues to craft transformative narratives, we eagerly await her future works, knowing that they will provide us with a window into the complexities of the human experience and the power of storytelling to heal and inspire. For those who seek a profound and enlightening literary journey, Linda Joy Myers' writings are an invaluable gift.

To learn more about Linda Joy Myers and her memoirs, visit and

For insights into "The Forger of Marseille" and its inspiration, visit

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