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Interview with Crystal London | Author of "Been N Ur Shoes"

In the vast ocean of religious literature, there shines a gem named Crystal London, an esteemed theologian and spiritual guide whose work has left a lasting impact on countless souls seeking meaning and purpose. At the heart of her literary legacy lies the profound and transformative book, "Been N Ur Shoes."

Crystal's words resonate deeply with readers, drawing them into a journey of faith, spirituality, and the age-old values that shape humanity's quest for truth. "Been N Ur Shoes" stands as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path to a life filled with spiritual growth and a profound connection with the divine.

The essence of Crystal London's work lies in her ability to offer profound spiritual insights that touch the hearts of believers and seekers alike. With unwavering dedication, she delves into the core tenets of Christianity, revealing timeless teachings and practices that inspire individuals to embrace their faith wholeheartedly.

Beyond being a mere theoretical exploration, "Been N Ur Shoes" equips readers with practical guidance to implement religious principles into their daily lives. Crystal's wisdom flows through its pages, offering tools and practices to nurture spirituality, cultivate virtues, and foster a life marked by love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude.

What sets Crystal's book apart is her inclusive and respectful approach, acknowledging the diverse tapestry of Christian beliefs and expressions. In a world often marked by division, "Been N Ur Shoes" encourages dialogue, understanding, and unity, embracing readers from all walks of life and backgrounds.

Through the power of storytelling, Crystal London breathes life into her teachings. Inspirational anecdotes and parables fill the book, illustrating the transformative power of faith and spirituality. These stories resonate on a personal level, igniting the spark of hope and inspiration within each reader.

Could you share with us what inspired you to write "Been N Ur Shoes" and embark on a journey of exploring faith and spirituality?

We’ll it all started because I am a great listener. Co worker and friends would sometimes come to me when they were going through something and I would listen and give some type of encouragement. Then after thinking about what they had told be I would write them a poem or positive message for them to keep in hopes that my words would help uplift them.

"Been N Ur Shoes" has been praised for its authenticity and ability to resonate with believers and seekers alike. How did you approach writing the book to create this unique connection with readers?

Well my poem’s started to turn into my expression of faith. Giving people encouragement on how I go through some situations and difficulties that they were going through.

One of the defining strengths of your book is its practical approach to spirituality. How do you blend timeless teachings and rituals into everyday life to guide readers towards spiritual growth?

I understand that not everyone believes in Jesus or God for the lack of knowledge. I allow the Holy Spirit to speak through me when I’m writing and through these poems hopefully they will be introduced to a higher power which for myself I call Jesus or Father God.

Your book embraces a diverse and inclusive perspective on faith within Christianity. Could you tell us more about your approach to acknowledging and fostering an environment of open dialogue and understanding?

All I know is faith and that is all I can offer someone who may have lost their direction or just need to know the how of getting out of a situation. I believe if we walk by faith and not by sight we can ask God to help us and he will as long as we have faith in ourselves that something’s are possible.

How did you choose inspirational stories, and how do they contribute to the transformative power of faith in the readers' lives?

We’ll I can only give you my truth. What I have gone through in your situation and how I handled it. Even in my darkest hours I trust God to bring me out. I sometimes have to remind him that he promised to never leave me nor forsake me. He is a God that can not lie. So I know and believe in my heart and by faith in him he has brought me out of many things.

The title of your book, "Been N Ur Shoes," carries a profound message. Could you explain the significance behind this title and how it relates to the core message of your book?

Of course, we all have been in a situation like the next person in some way or fashion. Therefore I (we) have been in your shoes and hopefully I can give you some encouragement to help you along your journey because you’re not alone even when you feel that you are. God is always with us.

Also if you remember Jesus died on the cross for us all and took upon himself the sins of the world therefore he has been in our shoes, so he knows how to help bring us out.

Throughout your writing, you impart wisdom and ignite faith in readers. What do you hope readers will take away from your book, and how do you envision it impacting their lives?

I am hopeful that this book will introduce people to Jesus in a new light by not forcing religion down your throat.

As a respected authority in matters of the divine, what advice would you give to individuals who are seeking to strengthen their connection with their faith but may face challenges or doubts along the way?

Trust God. You have to know him for yourself. You have to create your own personal relationship with Christ.

How are you going to know if he’s real or not if you don’t know him?

Example: yesterday you didn’t know anything about me but today you do and believe me I do care for you and want the best for your life.

So I am introducing God you.

Your writing reflects a genuine desire to guide individuals on a transformative journey towards finding purpose and enlightenment. Can you share a personal experience or revelation from your own spiritual journey that has shaped your approach as a spiritual guide? 

I do believe in Angels, guides, guardian angels and especially the Precious Holy Spirit. I have seen how many times I have prayed and asked for their help and gotten it. They have helped me leave some abusive relationships and learn to love myself more because I am worthy of true love and respect. They have helped me walk away from bad situations and they have helped me embrace great opportunities and friendships in my life.

What future projects or endeavors do you have in mind to continue guiding and inspiring your readers?

I do have another book coming out called Been n ur shoes, but it hurts. It also contains  positive messages for people who are hurting to help them heal.

I have also created unique greeting cards for people who have suffered the loss of a child called Liv Angel Creations which you can see and order on my website

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